The 7 Elements of Culture

Read the following information posted in the Facebook group by Mother Angela Malakah Phillips.

What is Culture? Why is it important ? How does Hebraic Culture look? Let’s explore the answers to these questions as Mothers are the first and foremost teachers of culture.



Creates social structure by organizing its members into small units to meet basic needs.

Family Patterns: family is the most important unit of social organization. Through the family children learn how they are expected to act and what to believe.

Extended family: Several generations living in one household, working and living together: grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins. Respect for elders is strong.

Social classes: rank people in order of status, depending on what is important to the culture (money, job, education, ancestry, etc.)


Rules of Behavior are enforced ideas of right and wrong. They can be customs, traditions, rules, or written laws.


· Answers basic questions about the meaning of life.
· Supports values that groups of people feel are important.
· Religion is often a source of conflict between cultures.
· Monotheism is a belief in one god.
· Polytheism is a belief in many gods.
· Atheism is a belief in no gods.


· Language is the cornerstone of culture.
· All cultures have a spoken language (even if there are no developed forms of writing).
· People who speak the same language often share the same culture.
· Many societies include a large number of people who speak different languages.
· Each language can have several different dialects.


They are the products of the human imagination.
· They help us pass on the culture’s basic beliefs.
· Examples: art, music, literature, and folk tales


People form governments to provide for their common needs, keep order within society, and protect their society from outside threats.
· Definition of government: 1. Person/people who hold power in a society; 2 Society’s
laws and political institutions.
· Democracy: people have supreme power, government acts by and with consent.
· Republic: people choose leaders who represent them.
· Dictatorship: ruler/group holds power by force usually relying on military support for power.


How people use limited resources to satisfy their wants and needs.
· Answers the basic questions: what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom.
· Traditional Economy: people produce most of what they need to survive (hunting, gathering, farming, herding cattle, make own clothes/tools).
· Market Economy: buying and selling goods and services
· Command Economy: Government controls what/how goods are produced and what they cost. Individuals have little economic power
· Mixed Economy: Individuals make some economic decisions and the government makes others.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Yakira says:

    I truly Thank Yah for Having a platform of like minded and true believers of Him “Yah” willing and ready to prepare the joining together of a community of sisters , That are raising Women whom are being obedient in edifying with direction and correction of Torah. Showing love and compassion as did Yahushuah. Being examples of Proverbs 31 :10 Women. To the entire family Shalom and Love to you!

  2. Edith MoriyYah Reyes says:

    Informative piece!
    I remember one of my daughter’s saying to me years ago, we are the only people without a culture, no history and of no significance. I agreed and said that was not only sad, but Isolating and painful. Well that was before we were Awakened to truth. Painful, colorful, history filled, useful and used and abused. Inventors, Doctors, Bankers, Artists, to name a few, people of worth, children of The Most High Yah. We are The People.

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